319-453-2065 hi@oakgrove.cc

Care Calls & Texts


Care Calls

As we make adjustments to our normal ministry schedule, we must take the lead in shepherding. A few principles come to mind from various passages of Scripture. In keeping with Acts 20:28, let’s “…pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock,” shepherding them with care and discernment (1 Pt 5:2).

Welcome the blessing of effective inefficiency since phone calls take several extra minutes and see this as the shepherding that it is. Sometimes inefficiency is a gift! We’ll build new relationships and strengthen ones we have.



  1. Speak with each member/regular attender once per week (every two weeks max)
  2. Let them know they can stay connected through our website [oakgrove.cc] (live streaming, kids, students, SS, resources, etc. all linked from the home page).
  3. Provide biblical encouragement
  4. Ask directly if there are pressing needs, discouragement, fear, etc.
  5. Discern how they’re doing (tone of voice, expression, etc.)
  6. Pray with them
  7. Assure them that you/we are available and be sure they know how to reach us



This guide is to provide direction where you need it. Be sure you cover the main points, but we asked you to care for people because you’re completely capable with the Lord’s help. Please use what you need, and skip over what you don’t.

This is only a guide…please don’t read it verbatim 🙂


Hello [NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] from Oak Grove.

(Small chat for a minute.)

Biblical Encouragement

Something like the Coronavirus, and the effects it has on our way of life, can lead to all sorts of situations, and all-of-a-sudden we find ourselves fearful, nervous, anxious, and more. Sometimes these feelings can catch us pretty off-guard.

You’re not alone if you’re experiencing these thoughts. Isiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

(Or share a verse the Lord has used more personally for you.)

In times like these we have such an opportunity to be salt and light to those around us, which may even cause them to ask questions of us as they see our calm demeanor and care for others (Matt 5:13-16).

God is actively at work in us, showing us how we need to depend on Him more, and actually helping us do it.

Ask about needs, discouragement, fear, etc.

One of the neatest ways God brings comfort is through praying for one another. What couple things can I be praying about for you?


Thanks so much for sharing. Would it be alright if I pray with you now?


I’m so thankful the Lord has given us the Body of Christ to be able to walk alongside one another during this time. Could I ask you to pray for me about ______________?

Thank you.

As you’re talking with neighbors, or if you realize that you have a certain need, call/text/email me/us anytime (hi@oakgrove.cc).


I so appreciate you taking a few minutes to talk with me. I’ll continue praying for you and we’ll keep trusting the Lord together. Bye.

After Call

Write down what you learned to be able to follow up with them in the future and communicate to the care team as it seems appropriate. 

Complete form to let leadership know if there are specific needs we can work together to meet.


Other encouraging passages:

Care Call Follow-up Form

6 + 13 =

Reassure them that we’re available and encourage them to consider how we may be able to serve the needs of their neighbors.

Don’t see what you’re looking for?

If you are looking for a group that meets on a different night, or have an idea for a ministry we aren’t currently doing, let us know.