Matt Magee - March 3, 2019
How to Really Be Clean

Scripture References: Mark 7:14-23, Mark 7:1-13
by Matt Magee | Mar 3, 2019
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CloseIn Mark 7 we see another conflict between a few arrogant religious people and Jesus. They come at Jesus because his followers were not following the religious rules they had created, and Jesus shows them that they have been missing the point all along. Learn from Jesus what matters more to God than just following the rules.
Scripture References: Mark 7:14-23, Mark 7:1-13
Related Topics: Legalism, Regulations Concerning Cleanness and Uncleanness, Self-Righteousness, Tradition, Truth | More Sermons from Matt Magee | Download Audio
Matt Magee
Mark 3:1-6, Mark 2:23-28
Pastor Matt serves as our Lead Pastor & Biblical Counselor (or equipping others who do too). Need to get in touch? Send him a note here.
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