July 17-21
6101 32nd Ave
Shellsburg, IA
Are you ready for
fun in the sun?
At all Family Ministry events, including Sunday School, Nursery, Awana, Vacation Bible School, and other special events, hand sanitizer stations are provided in all common areas. Children and volunteers are encouraged to frequently use the stations each time they pass.
When is VBS?
Sunday, July 17 through Thursday, July 21 from 5:45 until 8:00pm. Join us for our Registration Cookout & Party on July 13th at 5:30pm where we will have awesome food, bounce houses, 9 square and fun for the whole family. Check-in and walk-up registration will also be available each night at 5:30pm.
We invite parents to join us each night for our wrap up session at 7:45 where we will highlight some events of the night.
Who May Attend VBS?
VBS is for children ages 3 through completion of 5th grade during the 2020-2021 school year.
Do you have to attend Oak Grove to attend VBS?
No, you do not need to attend Oak Grove Church to attend VBS. If you are a member of another evangelical church, we invite you to volunteer to serve at VBS to assist our team.
How Much Does it Cost to Attend VBS?
VBS is completely free of charge, however there is a suggested donation of $5 to cover the t-shirt.
How Do I Register?
Click the button above to register your child online.
What Does My Child Need to Wear for VBS?
Children should be dressed in comfortable clothing appropriate for both indoor and outdoor play. Tennis shoes are recommended for safety in play outdoors.
Who Do I Contact During VBS in Case of An Emergency?
Our main church phone # is 319.453.2065, and we will have someone answering this line during VBS. You may also reach Pastor Brian at 319.457.6199.
Who May Pick Up My Child After VBS?
Unless specified on your registration form, children will only be released to their parents. If you have already registered, and forgot to list another person for pick-up, please call the church to let us know before the end of VBS that day.
Do You Provide Childcare?
Childcare will be available to volunteers who are serving.
No childcare will be available for children who are not old enough to attend VBS.
I'd Like to Volunteer, How Do I Know What's Expected of Me?
Take a look at the job descriptions here to get a better understanding of what the job entails. If you have any question, give Pastor Brian a call at the church.